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This will be the 2nd annual Haysboro Parade of Holiday Lights. We will be posting a map of all the great light decorations around Haysboro on December 17, and you and your family can drive around the community and check them out! Contact us on Instagram @haysboroyyc or e-mail us if you would like your house added to the map.
Can't wait to see you all out there enjoying the holiday spirit!
Well, we are still in uncertain times. COVID restrictions are still heavily in place, and our community centre remains closed at the time of writing. Even with no end in sight, I want to share some of our successes.
Our preschool program this year has been wonderfully successful given what was faced this past year. Some of the program challenges were increased sanitization protocols, reduced class sizes, and the ever present concern of COVID. Even with these challenges, the teachers, students, and parents stepped up to ensure we could have a safe and fun year. A newly added afternoon class for the winter session also ended having more children that we anticipated! Our preschool program continues to be a cornerstone in our community. It could not have happened without the dedication of those involved with it.
If anything has changed for the better this past year, it may be the increased importance that being outside has in our day-to-day lives. Our community is blessed to have prime outdoor space all around it: Heritage Park, North and South Glenmore Parks, the Glenmore reservoir, and access to the pathway system to name a few. Inside the community, the ice rinks have been the unsung hero of the season. Maybe I’m biased, but I think we have best rinks in the city!
I was at the rinks with my daughter recently. She is three and learning to skate. I am older than three, and re-learning to skate. As we both were gliding along, I looked at the families, the children, the seniors all enjoying themselves using the great facility we have. It brought a smile to my face. And then I fell on the ice. But I was still smiling.
I can’t thank enough those individuals who readied and maintained the ice surfaces this year. Your selfless contributions are really helping people escape this crazy year. On behalf of the community, THANK YOU!
Stefan Bell
Board meetings have now officially moved to the 3rd Monday of the Month. Starting at 7:00PM via Google Meet.
If you are interested in joining us please contact for an invite.
Dear Haysboro ,
City of Calgary Water Services is continuing with a Water Meter Exchange Program that began on September 30, 2013.
The program is exchanging aging water meters that are reaching the end of their expected life of 15 to 20 years. The older meters are physically read by ENMAX Power each month. They will be replaced by a newer technology meter with an Encoded Radio Transmitter (ERT) that will allow the meter readers to remotely read these meters from a distance. The Meter Exchange Program will allow Water Services to reduce meter reading costs, provide you with more accurate bills, and replace an aging asset, ensuring meter accuracy.
The meter exchange program is being undertaken on a community by community basis and is targeting over 100,000 meters for replacement over the next 6-8 years. The program has focused on a number of communities across the City and has replaced over 48,000 meters since 2013.
In the next few weeks, The City will begin to contact customers in the communities of Haysboro, Kingsland, Palliser, Pump Hill, Bayview, Kelvin Grove, Chinook Park, Eagle Ridge, and Lakeview.
For more information or if you have any further questions about the Meter Exchange Program please call 311 or visit
Sincerely, Brian
Follow-Up Items
Monthly 311 Report Summary
o Roads – Traffic or Pedestrian Light Repair
o Bylaw – Snow & Ice on Sidewalk
o Finance – TIPP Agreement Request
o Roads – Snow & Ice Control
o Calgary Transit – Employee Conduct
Community Specific Items
The South Crosstown BRT is route is primarily set and will not require new roadways. With the exception of three new stations planned in the future, existing stop locations will be used for the entire route. The South Crosstown BRT route will be the same as the current Route 306 from Westbrook to Heritage LRT Stations. The route will then extend east of Macleod Trail to Quarry Park.
o ATCO is preparing for their work on replacing the gas lines under 14th Street SW, as part of ATCO's Urban Pipeline Replacement Program. Included in the pipeline renewal project are the following routes, please click on the links to view route details:
Acadia to 14th Street SW
14th Street SW from 90th Avenue to Kootenay Street SW
90th Avenue SW from 24th Street SW to 14th Street SW
South Glenmore Park Project
Ward Wide Items
On January 5th, 2017, The City mailed out over half a million Assessment Notices. The 2017 property assessments reflect the market value of a property on July 1st, 2016 and its physical condition on December 31st, 2016. The 2017 business assessments reflect the typical net annual rental value of business premises on July 1, 2016.
o Please review your assessment carefully. You can do so online by logging into Assessment Search at Online, you can access details on your property to review the accuracy of the information The City has on file, and compare your assessment with other similar properties in your area to ensure your assessment is fair and equitable.
o The Customer Review Period is from January 5th to March 6th, 2017. If you have any questions about your assessment, please contact 403-268-2888. Changes can only be made to your 2017 Property Assessment during the Customer Review Period.
City project team met with the board in June 2016. We will share updates as they become available. The contractor hosted information sessions the week of November 28th, 2016.
o The contractor, KGL Constructors (Kiewit, Graham, Ledcor) have set up a website to share information on construction, boundaries, schedule, traffic detours, design updates etc. at We recommend having a look at this website. You may contact their team at 403-212-0565 or at
The City's Christmas Tree Recycling program will be drop-off only this year. The City will not be collecting trees door-to-door. Bring your tree to one of 13 drop-off locations.
The City of Calgary recently launched CityTalk, a digital news magazine and digital compilation of current City of Calgary information in an easy to read format. CityTalk brings a host of City information together on one platform, including The City’s social media feeds and some of Calgary’s media feeds. The feeds are automatically updated 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact Us
Kim Warnke Community Assistant 403-268-2495
Teigan Kopec Executive Assistant 403-268-2476
ATCO to upgrade natural gas line in your neighbourhood
ATCO will be in or near your neighbourhood in the coming months to upgrade the natural gas distribution system while accommodating the City of Calgary’s Southwest Bus Rapid Transit Project. Please see the attached overview of the project or visit and click on Southwest Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project /ATCO’s natural gas pipelines under the projects tab for specific information.
These projects are a part of the Urban Pipeline Replacement (UPR) Program which modernizes the natural gas network and adds capacity to meet the growing demand for natural gas in Alberta’s largest centres. The installation of the new gas lines will employ all the latest technologies available and will meet or exceed building and construction standards to ensure continued safe and reliable natural gas service
ATCO thanks you for your cooperation and we will make every effort to minimize any inconvenience. We will complete our work in a safe, efficient manner and restore the work area to the same condition as it was before the start of the project.
For more information, contact:
Adam Chambers, P.Eng.,
Senior Engineer, ATCO
Yesterday, The City mailed out over half a million Assessment Notices. The 2017 property assessments reflect the market value of a property on July 1st, 2016 and its physical condition on December 31st, 2016. The 2017 business assessments reflect the typical net annual rental value of business premises on July 1, 2016.
Annual market value assessments are legislated under the provincial Municipal Government Act. The assessment process is how property taxes are distributed among all property owners to meet The City’s budget needs to pay for services all Calgarians benefit from like police, fire protection, transit, parks, recreation and more. Please note that business tax bills are mailed out in February, and property tax bills in late May.
Please review your assessment carefully. You can do so online by logging into Assessment Search at Online, you can access details on your property to review the accuracy of the information The City has on file, and compare your assessment with other similar properties in your area to ensure your assessment is fair and equitable. You may also conduct more in-depth assessment research and can access sales, community and property reports.
The Customer Review Period is from January 5th to March 6th, 2017. If you have any questions about your assessment, please contact 403-268-2888. Changes can only be made to your 2017 Property Assessment during the Customer Review Period.
Please note that The City is eliminating the Business Tax in 2019 through a gradual transfer of the business tax revenues to the non-residential property tax. Business owners will see an approximate 20 per cent decrease in the 2017 business tax rate due to consolidation. Non-residential property owners will see an estimated additional 4.6 per cent increase in their 2017 non-residential property tax rate. Consolidating the taxes into a single, easy to understand real estate-based assessment and tax system for non-residential property owners will make Calgary more competitive and attractive for business. Please note that Business Tax Consolidation will not impact your property/business assessment nor will it be reflected on your assessment notice. It will not increase the amount of revenues collected by The City.
Brian Pincott Councillor, Ward 11 The City of Calgary Phone: 403-268-5056 Fax: 403-268-8091 Email: Web:
ATCO will be in or near your neighbourhood in the coming weeks to plan upgrades to your natural gas distribution system. Please see the following information on how you might be impacted. Visit and click on Acadia to 14 Street under the projects tab for specific information on this project including a map of the route.
Preliminary work scheduled from November – December, 2016.
Construction scheduled sequentially along the route April – October 2017, weather permitting.
What you can expect:
2016: ATCO and contractors conducing preliminary work including surveying, line locating and site visits.
2017: Road detours and lane reductions will occur sequentially along the route as the project progresses. More details to be provided when available.
This project is part of the Urban Pipeline Replacement (UPR) Program which modernizes the natural gas network and adds capacity to meet the growing demand for natural gas in Alberta’s largest centres. The installation of the new gas lines will employ all the latest technologies available and will meet or exceed building and construction standards to ensure continued safe and reliable natural gas service
For more information, contact: Adam Chambers, P.Eng., Senior Engineer, ATCO 403-245-7155
Ward 11 Summer Newsletter 2016
Welcome to the fourth iteration of your Ward 11 newsletter. We hope you find this information helpful to inform and update you on key issues and happenings in Ward 11.
Ward 11 Brian’s BeatI frequently write short blog pieces sharing my thoughts around particular issues or happenings in Ward 11. Recently, these include my thoughts on the Tsuu T’ina First Nation proposed developments, the Sliding Scale Transit Passes, and on the Budget. Thank you to all who contributed to that discussion.
Community NewslettersEach month, I have an entry in your community newsletter. My entries are posted on my website in case you missed it.
Council and CommitteesCouncil and committee meetings take a pause in August and will resume in September. You can always view the full schedule, along with the agenda, minutes and video records online.
Notices of MotionA Notice of Motion brings forward an intent to direct specific action from Administration. My most recent Notices of Motion are on creating Gender Neutral Washrooms in City-owned facilities, on creating Permanent Park Space along the 37th Street SW Corridor and a Motion Arising on building a Pedestrian Overpass at 14th Street and 90th Avenue SW in conjunction with the SW Transitway BRT.
20th Street SW BikewayConstruction is progressing on the 20th Street SW improvements. Roadmarking and signage installations are underway and expected to be complete mid-August.
50th Avenue SW Corridor Study The City of Calgary is currently in Phase 2 of its Transportation Corridor Study of 50th Avenue SW between Crowchild Trail and 14A Street SW. As part of Phase 2, the project team is reviewing feedback provided through community engagement to develop potential design concepts.
Anderson Pedestrian OverpassConstruction is well underway on the Anderson Pedestrian Bridge crossing Anderson Road near 37th Street SW. The bridge foundations are complete, and the retaining walls are nearing completion. The steel arch and concrete deck were installed on July 23rd, 2016.
Calgary South West Ring RoadAs we approach the start of the Government of Alberta’s construction on the Calgary Southwest Ring Road in late 2016, The City of Calgary began work on their portion of the Southwest Ring Road-related projects. Learn about the projects and their timelines.
Crowchild Trail-Flanders Avenue Interchange The construction on the Crowchild Trail-Flanders Avenue Interchange is on track to open to traffic in fall 2016. Landscaping and final finishing work will begin in spring 2017, with all interchange construction complete in summer 2017.
Little Free Library Community Information EventOn June 9th my team and I, and some amazing community partners hosted a community information event on Little Free Librairies. We’ve compiled some information to help you get started with your very own little library.
River Park, Sandy Beach, Britannia Slopes RedevelopmentMany of the Phase II improvements are complete including the Sandy Beach parking lot and washroom, removal of the invasive Caragana and the escarpment fencing in River Park. Please be aware of some area closures as the project team works on the living fences and pathway improvements.
SW Transitway BRTThe SW Transitway project is a new 22 km bus route that will run from Woodbine to downtown. Council approved the recommendations moved by the Transportation and Transit Committee on July 25th, 2016 to pursue option 1, to coordinate the phasing of construction work with that of ATCOs.
Please feel free to share this newsletter with your network, and encourage your neighbours to subscribe to these updates.
Wishing you a great long-weekend, and a great rest of your summer!
Brian & the Ward 11 Team
On Monday, July 25th, 2016, I brought forward a Motion Arising to direct administration to begin work on design and subsequent construction of a pedestrian overpass across 14th Street at 90th Avenue SW, with the goal of having it completed for the opening of the full SW Transitway BRT. Council approved my motion.
The overpass will make it easier for residents in Haysboro to safely access services at Glenmore Landing, the Calgary Jewish Community Centre, and the planned SW BRT station. Pedestrians currently need to cross six lanes of traffic which poses difficulties for seniors and children. This overpass will increase connectivity between communities and amenities, promote walking and cycling, and increase safety.
This pedestrian connectivity is something residents have raised consistently, and something we’ve been talking about for while. While the City will be doing a lot of work in the area, we can take advantage of the construction that will be going on and integrate it into the SWBRT. Coordinating these projects in conjunction with each other saves tax payer dollars and construction headaches.
The exact cost of the overpass still needs to be determined. Administration will report back to Council in the fall with an estimated cost and funding mechanism. Generally, pedestrian overpasses cost $6 million.
Haysboro Community Association
1204 89th Avenue SW. Calgary, AB. T2V 0W4.